7 Yoga Poses Blog Cover

If you are just getting started with yoga or you are revisiting it after some time has passed, here are some yoga poses to get familiar with. If you are looking to improve your balance you can find Yoga Poses for Balance in another one of our articles. Master these poses and you’ll have a proper foundation to approach classes and work your way towards intermediate yogi level. No rush, we are all here for the journey! Take your time, listen to your body and read about the proper positioning for each of the yoga poses below. Let’s get into it.

1. Anjaneyasna aka Low Lunge

Low Lunge Pose
@rashmialevooryoga on the universe within cork yoga mat [shop it]

This is a great pose to open the hips after a long day of sitting at your computer. 


Hip Flexors




Improved balance and focus
Improves digestive system

Usually transitioned into from Downward Facing Dog pose. Pull the left or right foot through to line up with your hands.

1) Square the hips
2) Drop the back knee to rest on the floor
3) Pull the pelvis in and up, engaging the core
4) Lengthen tailbone to reach toward the floor
5) Lengthen arms, open chest and relax the shoulders

2. Virabhadrasana aka Warrior 2

Warrior 2
@rashmialevooryoga on the universe within cork yoga mat [shop it]

Create strength and stability, mastering this yoga pose can help you live with more intention. It is a power pose that allows energy to flow through you. Down through your legs and out through the fingertips. Own this pose and own your life.


Inner thighs






Usually transitioned into from Mountain pose. Step one foot back and angle toes so the front foot faces the top of the mat while the other faces forward. Exhale and bend the front knee, extending the arms outward.

1) Ensure the bent knee is over your ankle.
2) Hips should be open with shoulders stacked above.
3) Head lifts up, lengthening the spine while shoulders stay down.
4) Abdominal muscles are pulled in and up.
5) Reach through the fingertips and gaze over the front extended arm.

3. Utthita Parsvakonasana aka Extended Side Angle

Extended Side Angle
@rashmialevooryoga on the universe within cork yoga mat [shop it]

Open your body and release the tension that has built up over time. This pose allows for a sweet release along the side body and groin. Great if you spend a lot of the day in a seated position.


Side body






Stress relief
Stimulates organs
Improves shoulder mobility


From Low Lunge Pose, place both of your hands on the mat inside of your bent knee. Lift your back knee and open the back foot to a 45 degree angle. Swing your outside arm up overhead and open your chest and hips along the long side of your mat. Extend the upper body over your bent knee.

1) Try to create a straight line from the outstretched arm down along the extended back leg.
2) Stack the knee over the ankle.
3) Engage abdomen bringing muscles in and up.
4) Use your arm touching your knee to create pressure and open the chest further, creating more twist.

4. Parsvottanasana aka Pyramid Pose

Pyramid Pose
@rashmialevooryoga on the universe within cork yoga mat [shop it]

This pose allows for a wonderful decompression of the spine, after being upright all day it is always nice to give the spine a break and let it release. Take all the time you need in this pose, the longer you stay the more you will benefit. Don’t forget to listen to your body.






Helps improve posture


Usually transitioned to from Mountain Pose. Step one leg back for a wide legged stance, flare the back foot out towards the side on a 45 degree angle. Bend at the hips and reach for the floor in front of you.

1) Keep the spine straight, do not hunch over.
2) Ensure hips are squared to the front of the mat, do not let them roll open.
3) Actively engage the core and legs, pushing through the back heel to stabilize. 

5. Parivrtta Trikosana aka Revolved Triangle

Revolved Triangle Pose
@rashmialevooryoga on the universe within cork yoga mat [shop it]

This is a more complex pose compared the the previous yoga poses because of the included spinal twist. If you are ready to give this one a try be sure to listen closely to your body.


Upper back






Aids in digestion
Improves balance


From Mountain pose at the top of your mat bring one leg back for a wide leg stance. Turn the back foot to a 45 degree angle. Bend at the hips and extend your body forward and down. Place one hand on the floor (or block) and reach the other arm up, opening your chest toward the front leg.

1) Engage abdominal muscles up and in.
2) Try to make a straight line from fingertips to fingertips.
3) Keep the spine straight, shoulders away from the ears.
4) Aim to have the hand on the outside of your front leg.

6. Ardha Chandrasana aka Half Moon Pose

Half Moon Pose
@rashmialevooryoga on the universe within cork yoga mat [shop it]


The whole body especially legs and core




Improves balance
Promotes stability


From Warrior 2 lower the arm on the same side as the foot you have at the front of the mat. The other arm on your hip. Shift your weight into this front foot, pulling the back leg closer if needed. Slowly lift the back leg and stack your hips above your grounded foot. Release your hand from your hip and extend your arm up, opening your chest.

1) Stack shoulders on top of each other to create a line from fingertips to fingertips.
2) Keep shoulders away from the ears.
3) Flex back foot and push away from the body’s center.
4) Remain grounded through all 4 corners of your standing foot.
5) Lengthen in the spine pulling the top of the head in one direction and the tailbone in the other.

7. Virabhadrasana 3 aka Warrior 3

Warrior 3
@rashmialevooryoga on the universe within cork yoga mat [shop it]

If you’ve been able to master Warrior 1 & 2 yoga poses and found power in the stance, Warrior 3 will take you to the next level. This pose also creates inner strength and allows you to better understand your body and to be aware of the intricacies that exist within us.






Body awareness


Starting in High Lunge prepare by engaging your abdominals, and grounding your front foot from all four corners. Outstretch the arms in front of you and upon exhale shift your weight forward and lift the back leg. Straighten the front leg and keep the back leg parallel to the ground.

1) Ensure the hips are level and squared with the floor.
2) Stretch the back toes away from the body.
3) Keep the shoulders down and away from the ears.
4) Core should be engaged the entire time. the tailbone in the other.

Have you already mastered these yoga poses? Have some new ones you are working on? Let us know! Don’t forget each day is a new day and with it new experiences. Not everyday is the same so approach these poses with a fresh outlook because your body may be in a different state each time. We cannot stress enough that listening to your body is a key part of yoga. Do not push yourself too hard, just listen and accept where you are at the time of practice. Over time your body will adapt to these movements and you will be able to advance to new variations and new poses. You will get to know yourself in a new way. We hope you found some value in these poses and this blog post 🙂